27 abril 2010

Grande Remix !!

 Hefner - Reworks - 2002
A good representation of the UK electronic music scene at a time.

1 Cybophonia  -  Cut & Paste (Hefner Remix)

2 4 Hero  -  Planetaria (Hefner Remix)

3 Hefner  -  Everyday (Hefner Remix)

4 Omar Faruk Tekbilek  -  Shashkin (Hefner Mix)

5 Zero 7  -  Destiny (Hefner's Destiny Chill)

6 Cinematic Orchestra, The Channel 1 Suite (Hefner Remix)

7 Klute  -  Phonecall (Hefner Remix)

8 Lamb  -  Gabriel (Hefner Remix)

9 Fink  -  Ever Since I Was A Kid It Seemed I Collected Something (Hefner Remix)

10 Hefner  -  Level Green (Alternate Version)


Herbert - Bodily Functions- 2001
 Em 2001, este Senhor deu-nos mais um alegria.

De frágil não têm nada...

The Facts and the Dreams - 2002
"Fragile State are made up of Neil Cowley formally of Zero 7 and Ben Mynott the well known and revered journalist who writes for Blues & Soul. Voices From The Dust Bowl and Facts and the Dreams are two albums that when they were released received wide spread critical acclaim making them standout chillout albums of the year." (last.fm)

17 abril 2010

A saga continua... 2010

De-Phazz - Lala 2.0 - 2010

Sublime I

The Supreme Beings of Leisure’s unique sound was created almost by accident; while recording a rap demo, Rick Torres, Kiran Shahani, and Ramin Sakurai asked Geri Soriano-Lightwood to try her hand at writing and singing over the tracks. The result was a pleasant surprise, and a new kind of band was born. The Supreme Beings of Leisure blend clever programming and seductive grooves with distinctive vocals communicating sentiments of longing and disillusionment. The inimitable result has garnered praise from fans and critics alike.

Proibido Ignorar !!

1997: Detunized Gravity
"The debut of the "open artist project" De-Phazz, being founded in the same year - a floating mix of moody as well as groovy electronic collages....."

1999: Godsdog
"Trip hop, strange beats, melancholic ballads, including the hit single "Mambo Craze": “... space-cake-break at the Titicaca-Lake...”
 2001: Death By Chocolate
" Sophisticated entertainment on a high level, full of humour and a hint of sarcasm . entering the top20 of the German Billboard Charts, being nominated for an ECHO (the German equivalent of the GRAMMY, European live tour"
 2002: Daily Lama
 "Mambo ryhthms, crickling paino interludes, tender grooves, hitting the top10 album charts in Germany, being nominated for 2 ECHOS (the German equivalent of the GRAMMY) worlwide live tour"

2002: Plastic Love Memory
 2005: Natural Fake
"An ironical mix of Jazz, Electronica, Blues, Soul, Chanson, Dub and Easy Listening. “What others got on their iPod, DEPHAZZ got in there little finger,” (German Daily Press)"
2007: Days of Twang
"The 6th album of DEPHAZZ ... this time taking the soundclash to the maximum, with mixing blends of rock n´roll, twang and lounge & electronica."

2009: BIG
" The seventh album, sort of like a „greatest hits“ cut of a special kind... all biggies in a fresh arrangement, recorded with the Radio BigBand of german public radio station HR... BIG for real."

De-Phazz was founded by Pit Baumgartner as an "open-band-concept" in 1997. The band was formed by the musicians who participated in the Detunized Gravity album: Karl Frierson, Barbara Lahr and Otto Engelhard.

16 abril 2010


Brave - 2003

Rachel Modest - Lead Vocals
Ilana Bendel - Vocals 
Rachel Modest, Ilana Bendel, Oova, Christ Stephenson, Matt Bradley, Ian Hawkins, James Reiss
The Bluefoot Project are an amalgamation of urban heads. Formed in 1997 and sharing a variety of musical backgrounds they set about fusing many different styles into a vocal-led, beat-driven, 21st century soulful funk with nods in the right direction to reggae, hip hop, gospel and leftfield.

Porque não?

Hoje senti este impulso, fortemente influenciado por alguns blogs que contribuem definitivamente para o enriquecimento da minha cultura musical, sendo o meu preferido o TRIP HOP X.
Quero expressar aqui, públicamente, a minha sincera homenagem ao X, pelo seu bom gosto e generosidade em partilhar com todos nós as suas preferências musicais. (sem menosprezar tantos outros)
Como gosto de partilhar algo que admiro e me delicia, vou tentar seguir o bom exemplo dos X's que pululam por aí.
E agora chega de retórica...